Healthy Hair

Healthy hair Healthy me was created in 2018 not for profit but for my children and myself. I found it very difficult to find natural products that fit the needs of my family and I. My hair was slowly growing after I cut it off going natural in 2015. It was dry and didn’t seem to hold moisture, my oldest seemed to have that issue as well. Two of my children have dry skin one in which has Eczema. I researched natural products that helped hair growth and keep moisture from the roots to the tips. As well as products to help keep my sons skin hydrated and relieve itchiness.  After several try’s I came up with a natural hair growth grease that did everything I needed it to do. As well as a cream that worked wonders. I was ecstatic because I created natural products with super natural benefits. After many compliments and questions on how myself and my son’s hair was growing and what we put on our skin. (Questions asked at different times of coarse) I decided to sale my product. Giving people what they’ve been missing allowing them to have the same feeling I get every time I use my product from the 1st time until now. I am Happy and so is my hair and skin.